I think the running gag will continue: “Edge – the most popular browser for downloading other browsers.” I think only the tech-savvy people intentionally decide to use Edge, because they know it’s Chromium underneath and have a massive extension library, most Average Joes and Joans who use it, because they don’t know any better will probably never know they can install any extensions whatsoever. When my Windows 10 gets the new Edge automatically through an update, I will not use it, when I reinstall Windows 10 in the future that comes with the new Edge, I will just use it to download whatever other browser that I use. If they can’t respect the people who want to use Windows 10 with a Local account, then they don’t need these people.

I found that the hard way when I installed Edge some months ago, since it was irreversible, I was forced to migrate to a new Local Windows account and I uninstalled Edge right after. My only problem with Edge is that if you want to use Sync, as soon as you sign into a Microsoft account and enable Sync, your Local Windows 10 account immediately and automatically gets “upgraded” to a Microsoft account and you’re not even asked about this.

If you have enabled "Ask where to save each file before downloading" however, you will get the new download prompt instead of a file browser. The default behavior has not changed if you have not changed download settings, file downloads will happen automatically just as before. Starting in Microsoft Edge 87, currently available on the Canary channel, Microsoft has changed the logic behind the browser's download behavior. If you enable "Ask where to save each file before downloading" under Menu > Settings > Downloads (or by loading edge://settings/download), you will get the file browser interface instead. By default, files get downloaded automatically and without user prompt. The response of the browser depends on the downloads setting. When you start a download in the new Edge currently, you will notice that it is either downloaded directly to the designated downloads folder or that a file browser window is opened to pick a folder for the download. The new Microsoft Edge web browser that is based on Chromium handles downloads differently than the classic version of Edge.